The Bodie Gift Bundle!
Each item in this bundle was selected with intention – 2.5 years ago, when Ainsley became a new mom, she came across Só Luxury and loved that their company created quality products without “the nasties”. We have selected products that we both love + use, and are safe for you and your littles.
Each holiday season Ainsley + Erin personally give-back, and this year we are donating $20 from every bundle sold, will be donated to an amazing non-profit organization, which Erin actively volunteers at, BabyGoRound.
BabyGoRound is a non-profit organization that helps the Lower Mainland’s most vulnerable families care for their infants and toddlers by providing them with access to critical baby gear and clothing. Each year, BabyGoRound supports over 1,000 families and this number continues to climb.
Gift bundle includes:
- The Bodie + Co Harper Turkish Throw Towel. Choose from three colours: light grey, medium grey + light black.
- Organic French Lavender Sachet
Só Luxury Coco Oat Milk Bath + Scoop
Só Luxury Unscented Oil
- Jody’s Naturals hand-poured soy candle
Bundle Value: $115 // Bundle Sale price: $105 // $20 from each bundle sold will be donated to BabyGoRound
Keep for yourself, give to a friend, family, client, or employee…or break a bundle up and you have a few great gifts!
XX Ainsley + Erin