About Us

Ainsley and Erin, sisters born and raised in North Vancouver with a shared love for home décor and textiles. As kids we had a dream of partnering in business and decades later, we co-own Bodie + Co, a home goods company.
Ainsley (left) humbly founded this online boutique a few years ago. At the time, traveling through Greece, Bodie + Co went from a lifelong goal, to a reality. Over the years while vacationing in beach-side towns, she was always finding beautiful hand-loomed Turkish Towels and it was in Mykonos that the concept for Bodie + Co was created.
Ainsley has a 2-year-old son, Austin, and a 3-year old Frenchie, Charlie - both work in our quality control department as they test our towels + throws daily!
With an education in Interior Design, and a career designing hand-knotted Area Rugs, high quality textiles are very much an interest + passion!
Erin (right) has a passion for décor and creating everlasting experiences. She has a marketing education and spent most of her career planning corporate tradeshows and events in cities around the world, including Paris, London, and Barcelona. No matter the occasion, Erin knows that it is the details that make experiences unique + memorable.
Together, we are looking forward to expanding our offerings at Bodie + Co, curating quality home goods for thoughtful use.
Quality is the driving force behind Bodie + Co. We have sourced our goods from Canadian, family-owned companies, and our towels + throws are sourced from a family-owned and operated company in Turkey.
We aim to collaborate with sustainable partners and will continue to focus on bringing selective pieces into our collection!
Questions? email us at hello@bodieandco.com, we want to hear from you!
Ainsley + Erin